Modeling and Understanding using Temporal Analysis of Transient Earth Data

As a part of my research assistantship, I am a member of the MUTATED team. The MUTATED team is part of IARPA's (Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity) Space-Based Machine Automated Recognition Technique (SMART) Program working to automate broad-area search of multi-source satellite imagery to detect, monitor, and characterize the progression of anthropogenic or natural processes.

To address this goal, our team has been working extensively on the development of a novel online change detection algorithm. This algorithm, termed roboBayes, was based on the established Bayesian Online Changepoint Detection Algorithm (BOCPD, Adams and MacKay 2007) but created and implemented specifically for remote sensing change detection by team member Laura Wendelberger (Wendelberger et. al 2021). My work on this algorithm is outlined below:

Outlier Detection

To help address the issue of outliers in our data, due to clouds or other sources of atmospheric interference, I implemented two different spike filter options in the pre-processing portion of the roboBayes pipeline. The first, is a lagging spike filter which uses a moving window of the previous values compared to the next data observation in order to flag a spike, or outlier, that is outside of a set standard deviation threshold. The second spike filter, is a traditional moving window spike filter where the moving window looks at the center data point of the window and flags a spike, or outlier, that is outside of a set standard deviation threshold.

Heuristics-Based Filtering

To aid in eliminating false positives and classifying changes related to heavy construction, I developed a heuristics-based filter in the post-processing portion of the roboBayes pipeline. To determine what remote sensing signals and model coefficients were indicative of heavy construction, I performed unsupervised K-means clustering of all model coefficients across multiple regions for all signals that contained a change point. These coefficients included the model mean, amplitude, and variance for each signal. This helped me to target signals that were most important for heavy construction classification to create a parameter filter that improved our precision across regions while still maintaining high levels of recall.

This image shows for two construction change sites (annotated in red) how patterns emerge in the spectral model values for identified change pixels. This information was used to build parameter filters targeted at classifying construction from other types of change.

Tuning: Paramter Grid Search

To tune the roboBayes algorithm and find the best parameter set, I performed a grid search and set of tuning runs for the spike filter and between the spike filter and observation variance. This was performed across multiple regions and geographic terrains to try and find the best generalizable parameter set. Runs were completed using the NCSU High-Performance Computing (HPC) cluster.

This animation shows a set of 12 tuning runs performed for change detection results for the island of Bahrain.

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